
Showing posts from October, 2021

Final monies raised: £2,350

Thank you all, between us we've raised £2,350 across Alzheimer's Society (£1,121), Comic Relief (£100), Telford Mind (£376), Turn2Us (£441) and Shropshire Wildlife Trust (£312). All money is now banked and with the above charities 😁 4 weeks on I'm still tender around my knee joint and hoping a bit of physio will fix that.  Will I do a Marathon again?  Well, never say never!

London Marathon? Tick!

All done and dusted and have my medal to prove it! It was the most amazing experience and if you've ever thought, "maybe" and you have the time to follow even the Beginner's training plan like I did, go for it!  On the day, the training plan kept me confident that I'd reach the end. Even when my knee ached like hell between miles 7 & 20!  So I completed in 5 hours and 24 minutes. Not the fastest but hey, what else would you be doing on an autumn afternoon in London to pass the time? Plus you get to see the sights and the crowds are awesome! None more so than the last 2 or 3 miles as you come out of the tunnel at Blackfriars. Crowds cheering, music playing, all the way to the finish line.  In fact, I got a blast of energy and whizzed the last 1-2 miles. Yes, I did run more than the Marathon distance 🤣. Oh well, what's a mile between friends. I've thanked everyone a hundred times as so many people kept me motivated. E...

Last training run complete!

Here we go! Negative lateral flow test? Check! Kit ready? Check! 2 more nights of pasta-based meals? Check and check again! Excited more than nervous and cannot wait! If you want to track me throughout Sunday's London Marathon see my previous post to download the app. If you're in London and can let me know which mile you're at, DM me before Sunday with your mobile number if I'm unlikely to have it, I'll send you mine and text me where you are on the day and I'll look/listen out for you and try and give you a wave! Your text should show on my watch.