Keep Craig Running: Announcement February 2021


ANNOUNCEMENT February 2021

Well hello!  So, this photo was me in November 2020 just completing the Ironbridge Half Marathon.  My first, and what I considered as completely ample to be one of my life achievements. Fast forward 2-3 months and...(drum-roll please) on 8th February 2021 I was notified I'd made it through the London Marathon 2021 ballot!  

Of course, I was really shocked: Only running for a couple of years; the first time I'd entered the ballot spurred on by my friend Sarah. I really didn't think I stood a chance of getting in. 

So, on Sunday 3rd October, 2021 I'll be one of the 50,000 participants running from Blackheath to The Mall (that's not far is it?).

Now that I've stopped laughing:
And the shock is over, reality is sinking in. So today I developed my training plans and decided on the most important bit to help spur me on: Which charities to raise funds for.  

There's so many to chose from and I've gone for four whose work means a lot to me.

I do hope you'll join me as I meet this challenge (virtually of course, don't worry) and thank you for any support you can give to my selected four charities which for reasons within each page that follows, show why they mean a lot to me.  

I'll also use this blog to keep you all updated. Training (the running part) starts the end of June. Ahead of that I want to strengthen my ageing knees and build some muscle. Comment on what you want to know and you know me, I'll share! 

Here's links to my Go Fund Me charity fund raising pages:

- Shropshire Wildlife Trust, 

- Telford Mind,  

- Turn2Us,  

Whichever charity you decide on, thank you!
Craig x

PS The London Marathon is Sunday, 3rd October.


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