Happy Red Nose Day! I am truly overwhelmed by everyone's generosity, thank you to all those that are supporting me! Now, Friday is Red Nose Day so if my sponsorship goes up by another £100 by 11:59 pm Friday 19th March, I'll donate £100 to Comic Relief. Thank you!
All my long training runs are completed and I'm now on 'taper' to ensure tip-top fitness on Sunday 3rd October. Over the last 5-6 weeks I've gradually increased my long-distance weekend runs: 8/8/21 - 11 miles 14/8/21 - 13.1 miles 22/8/21 - 16.2 miles 29/8/21 - 17.3 miles 3/9/21 - 19.2 miles 12/9/21 - 20.5 miles Wow, that's over 97 miles! In addition, running twice a week on average 5 miles each time that's more than my brain can calculate! During the preparations for 3rd October you've all been keeping me going raising money for good causes: So, thank you all. At times I've felt like giving up but this has definitely kept me going through groin injuries, knee injuries, Physio & Osteo sessions and the early morning weekend starts (not to mention refraining from Gin the night before!). There's still time to 'KeepCraigRunning' so see my first post on why I chose these charities and how to donate: https://keepcraigrunning.blogspot.com/202...
Thank you everyone. If you're considering giving to charity over the next week or two, please help me over the £1500 mark by choosing one of mine via the link below to donate. Update: I've just been looking at the total number of miles I've run and since training began in June, it's over 280 miles and 169 of those since 1st August! There's 9 days left until London Marathon day on Sunday 3rd October, by then my training will have taken me over 300 miles (and closer to 200 since 1st August). Just 3 more runs until then so please take a look at my chosen charities and help me reach £1500. https://keepcraigrunning.blogspot.com/2021/02/keep-craig-running-announcement.html
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