Oooo....the pain! Sunday 29th Aug)

Should've posted this Sunday....I've spoken before about not wanting to tempt fate. Well, I should listen to my own advice:  Following my blog update 22/8/21, on 23/8/21 I developed excruciating pain in my right knee!

I persevered through Tuesday and Wednesday with Ibuprofen, elevated leg and ice packs, then got Grant to drive me into work on Thursday where I was told about a great 'knee bloke', an Osteopath. 

I made an appointment for Friday afternoon and 'boom!' I think I'm fixed (again).  More stretches, more exercises and more appointments (Osteopath on 13th Sept and my usual Physio on 27th Sept). 

Apparently humans aren't designed to run more than 15 miles 😭

So, I managed week 12's long run = 17.25 miles.  Building up long runs ahead of the Marathon itself is a learning curve: To keep my energy going I'm eating homemade energy bars about every 45-55 minutes but on Sunday (and this is the take away piece of learning) I didn't fancy my 3rd bar and thought as I only had 5 miles to go of planned 18, I'd forgo it.  

Big mistake!  At 16.5 miles my legs turned to jelly and so I stopped early.  Fool!  But at least I learned I need to eat even if I don't fancy it.

I decided too that I would help stave off any knee issues (it's Patella Tendonitis - so actually caused by the muscles/tendons either side of the knee) and have a hot bath instead of a shower. Fingers crossed!


And so, onto week 13.


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